Fetal Doppler at obgyn. - 2nd Trimester Experiences | Forums | What to Expect (2025)

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Fetal Doppler at obgyn. - 2nd Trimester Experiences | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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I went in for my appointment today at 16 weeks and the doctor had a hard time finding the heart beat after about 4 minutes she said we needed to do an ultrasound. It was the worst feeling. The ultrasound showed her facing my back and that’s why it was hard for her to find it everything turned out great. My question is will it keep being hard for them to find? I don’t want to have a heart attack every time when they can’t find a heart beat. Has anyone else had this problem in second trimester?

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My doctor also had a hard time finding baby’s heart rate with a Doppler at my 16 week appointment. She was just about to give up and try with an ultrasound when she finally found it. It was very anxiety inducing and hard not to assume the worst! It should get easier for them to find as baby gets bigger though.

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it will get easier and easier as the heartbeat gets stronger, but the way they are facing definitely does affect it. but it's not uncommon for them to need to whip out the US at that stage so I wouldn't worry!! 😊

Fetal Doppler at obgyn. - 2nd Trimester Experiences | Forums | What to Expect (15) Fetal Doppler at obgyn. - 2nd Trimester Experiences | Forums | What to Expect (16) Fetal Doppler at obgyn. - 2nd Trimester Experiences | Forums | What to Expect (17) Fetal Doppler at obgyn. - 2nd Trimester Experiences | Forums | What to Expect (18) Fetal Doppler at obgyn. - 2nd Trimester Experiences | Forums | What to Expect (19) Fetal Doppler at obgyn. - 2nd Trimester Experiences | Forums | What to Expect (20)


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I had the same thing happen at 14 weeks. She searched and finally got the ultrasound. She immediately found it with the ultrasound. I’m 20 weeks now and I haven’t had that issue since. It is definitely anxiety induced situation but I wouldn’t worry since they were able to find it with the ultrasound. ��

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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